My Book

This is the tall person’s shortcut to positivity and self-love.

My book was my therapy – let it become yours. We are all unique and have our own stories, and I see mine as one of those stories that can help and inspire others. My life has been an interesting journey that hasn’t always been easy (more often not), and learning my life lessons has sometimes been painful. If I can make a difference to one person’s life  by sharing my life experience and messages with them, that would make me happy.

A Tall Woman of Many Talents. What It’s Like to be a Modern-Day Amazon Woman

This book could help you, even if simply by making you think and evaluate your life and choices. This is self-help by the power of autofiction.

It is not always easy to hold back from placing judgment onto others. Yet, if you have been on the receiving end of this and have been ostracized, ridiculed, made fun of, criticized, or had low self-esteem, then you’ll know better. Through my own story, which gets raw and personal, I bear my soul with one purpose: to empower others to realize they are unique and beautiful as they are, that they should not allow others affect their self-esteem and value of self-worth. To own their own mental space, to shift their mindset, and to work on themselves to become their own better versions.

I want to help others stand tall because I know what it was like to live small!

I want to empower others to realise they are unique and beautiful as they are, and that they have the power to change their own lives for the better. Every life or mindset changed by my message makes my work worth it.