The End of and Start of Tall Collective

As many of the tall ladies reading my blog will know, the brand Tallgirls ( is no more. Their story is hard to read. It is so sad that a niche market brand had to close to down like this…

Dress from Tallgirls’ spring collection 2016.

I am publishing this post on behalf of Joanne McHarg, the lady behind TallGirls, in the hope that her sad and touching message will reach more people:

Joanne McHarg

She is also starting a new initiative that needs more tall ladies and brands on board, so please read and support her new idea!

Warning – this is a long one, but something you don’t want to miss!

Some of you may know me, have met me or have heard of the company I used to run. I set up 20 years ago from my parents’ garage after years of frustration at not being able to find clothes to fit my 6ft 3” frame and shoes for my size 10 feet. Over the years the business grew and I invested my time, energy and emotions on building a brand specifically for tall girls. It was my life for 19 years and I lived and breathed it. Sadly and suddenly last year the business closed, I can’t put into words how devastated I was. The big retailers had more resources and buying power, and as an independent small business we simply could not compete. My staff lost their jobs, I lost my business, some customers even lost their orders, it was one of the worst experiences of my life. The business that I had created, nurtured and fought for for so long was gone overnight. Some of you wrote very kind personal messages to me which I still have not been able to read to the end because it was such a dreadful experience.

Since then I have started to re-build my life and my career. I have set up a marketing and design consultancy and am really enjoying the new challenges of life. However, in the past couple of months I have been thinking how sad it is that small, independent businesses like Tallgirls struggle to compete with large ones (without investment or being bought out), and that before long we will lose our unique independent brands – when your options are restricted by your height it is even more frustrating. So, ladies, I want to build a shopping destination exclusively for tall brands.

I cannot re-start Tallgirls, but I can offer small brands, start ups, designers and seamstresses a platform to sell their tall products. I am asking for your help to build a community of tall brands for tall women.

If you want to support this initiative, please sign up to receive details and express your interest:

If you want to sell your products, get in touch! Email me at with your contact details, store/website address. If you don’t have a store, don’t worry – send me details and images of your key products.

I am really excited about what this could do for small businesses and hope that you will support this idea for all of us. Thank you for your time.


  1. Is it really so important for tall people to be themselves, to avoid ordinary people, to distance ourselves from others in different web sites that you almost drown in. High always mentions that they find it annoying with all the attention, not that it is tricky to get more in pay a normal or be selected for sports just for one’s height, get high positions just because you are tall, smaller people who have to move for those the high must tread on the best places in aircraft and in buses, and constantly we are told how hard they have. But that they look down on us and prefer to avoid us, by gathering in clubs and meeting in communities, and breeding children on each other, not strange that high certainly is less wise, but perhaps also because of inbreeding, as it is open important for a tall woman t find a tall man to fertilize her so she gets tall children. People are constantly wondering how we as non-native people continue to accept high people, as you certainly do not accept us and most people refuse to date men who are smaller than them, a terrible dislike and something that should be changed, as tall women certainly fit much better with smaller men and would certainly enjoy a sexual intercourse 100 times more, since manjo is aware of how bad high men are in bed and how short their relationship is, probably because they are such poor husbands.


    • Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. This is certainly not the right post to comment under, though, so I suspect you were just looking for a platform for your opinion. You are welcome to read more posts from my blog, as some of them might be more relevant to what you are saying here, and certainly may help you see that we (tall women) do not see ourselves as better than the rest, we too are “ordinary” and do not distance ourselves from others. You sound full of hatred, and I can only sympathise with that and wish you luck in discovering a more positive world around you!


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